All self-funded plans require the additional protection of stop-loss insurance, which is found in the captive and reinsurance market. This market is complex and has worldwide connections.
Each stop-loss plan is designed to provide a specific level of coverage for the self-funded employer, limiting their risk to a financially acceptable level. While stop-loss insurance is now being offered to smaller groups and those that were previously fully insured, this is not Harmony’s target market.

Harmony has undertaken an extensive evaluation to find the best stop-loss partners in the industry. We created a comprehensive dataset of the performance data of each potential partner, including actuarially credible details. We then selected the top eight reinsurers in the market who understood the Harmony concept and provided them with this dataset for evaluation. Each reinsurer was asked to assess the types of discounts Harmony customers could expect from this unique high-performance ecosystem. We further tested their assumptions with various test cases and ultimately chose the best two reinsurers in each of our target markets.​
These stop-loss partners will provide excellent coverage, highly competitive rates, and outstanding service to each Harmony self-funded customer. As with all our other partners, this competitive offering, when combined with the other segments of our ecosystem, results in deep, sustainable savings for each Harmony client.
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